The Qiantong® Advanced Suhu Konstan lan Kelembapan Tape Retention Tester khusus digunakake kanggo tape adesif nyekeli test viskositas ing lingkungan suhu dhuwur. Iku simulates tape adesif kanthi otomatis ing mbukak tartamtu ing lingkungan suhu dhuwur.
Tape saka
Parameter produk
1. Test fixture: 20 sets (timed separately)
2. Load: 1000g±10g, (or specified)
3. Time meter: 20 groups, 9999 hours 59 minutes
4. Temperature control: normal temperature ~300℃, PID control
5. Temperature display: 0.1 ℃
6. Heating method: Hot air circulation
7. Safety device: equipped with over temperature and electric overload automatic power off protection facilities
8. Machine material: SUS #304 stainless steel plate inside, high grade steel plate paint treatment outside
9. Weight: 70kg
10. Power source: 220V 50HZ, 15A
Fitur produk lan aplikasi saka
Suhu pancet lan Kelembapan Tape Penylametan